Monday, February 25, 2008

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review

The Reason You Can't Lose Weight Has Nothing To
Do With Your
Will Power, Over-Eating
or the Right Diet!

Want to know the real reason?

Read on...

Introducing the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

A new breakthrough secret is all you now need in order to forever shed countless pounds, stay healthy, and add many years to your life!

A lady doctor from Arizona has blown the lid off the best-kept secret in weight loss ever discovered -- and this has the whole diet food and drug industries turned upside down and in nothing less than a torrential uproar.

Her name is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst, and she's marching to the beat of a different drum.

And no, nothing about her "secret" is difficult -- nor does it require that you do something completely out of the ordinary or anything unnatural.

Instead, the Arizonian boasts proudly "...this is something that I caught onto just before 2002 when there was so much research and exploration going around concerning the human colon and digestive system working in harmony with nutritional absorption, and I started doing independent studies just to test things at first ... but which I later expanded on after seeing some fantastic results."

This same woman medical practitioner went on to accurately determine a definitive correlation between harmful plague and parasitic infestations of the human bowel tract, and people suffering chronic obesity -- and who despite intense diet and exercise appeared to be unable to lose any weight whatsoever.

Over the course of six years the Arizona doctor developed a number of natural treatments for the removal of these same harmful, even life-threatening plaques and rapidly reproducing digestive parasites -- and when applied to even worse-case patients suffering extreme obesity (98% of which were in immediate danger of dying) she saw a 100% effectiveness and success rate.

She then borrowed from her research on the severely obese, and applied the same strategies on milder cases of overweight persons -- only to find the same effectiveness and quality results as described above (although the individual weight loss per subject wasn't nearly as much as those obese patients 100 lbs to 200 lbs or more overweight).

So powerful is her secret that she's able to reverse diabetes, rid illness altogether in people suffering from cancer (linked directly to poor diet and overweight factors), as well as an elimination of an entire spectrum of serious and otherwise life-threatening diseases.

Nearly 100% of all her case subjects were told in the alternative by "conventional doctors" that they either had just months or years to live, or they would never live a life anything resembling remotely a "normal" existence -- yet after applying Dr Suzanne's treatments saw a complete contradiction to others doctors' prognoses.

Again, nothing about her secret is unnatural or requires someone to do any major action or modification in their lives.

In fact, her entire treatment is based completely on built-into-nature 'protection agents' scattered throughout the world in the form of select herbs, extracts, and organic constituents, and which can be found in a variety of plants -- but when combined in specific combinations and carefully chosen amounts make for a solution to what is perhaps the world's worst ever plague: OBESITY (and the illnesses and diseases resulting from it -- or at least severely aggravated or exacerbated by it).

Now to everyone else's great gain, whether suffering from just a few extra pounds and inches, to those extremely fat and overweight, this brave, bold lady doctor is releasing to the general public her secret for forever destroying the tight unrelenting closed-fist of obesity's stronghold over the now more than 40% of Americans labeled obese, and others worldwide.

But she's not promising any of us for how long.

Some experts and sociologists suggest that in the bigger scheme of things, the world will never tolerate a discovery of such magnitude, any more than it would be realistic to expect a car that runs on water (even if very real) to ever become commercially available to the general public for day-to-day use.

One well-respected and famous diet & wellness author wrote years ago that if anyone ever "truly unlocked the keys to permanent fat loss, they may actually suffer the same fate as JFK."

CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE THE TOP SECRET FAT LOSS SECRET you may want to head on over there now and get it and before someone or "something" gets it forever yanked out of ever getting in YOUR hand at least.

It's in a very easily readable format and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level.

While you're there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in rapid, massive weight loss and extremely improved and enhanced health, now made freely available to the rest of us?

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Truth About Six Pack Abs - Review

Are you looking to get that perfect six pack ab shape that everyone else, including you wishes they had?

Then read on to find out how you can benefit instantly and get the six pack you've always wanted!

The Truth About Six Pack Abs Review -

In this review we will be talking about the ebook title "The truth about six pack abs". The author of the ebook, Mr. Mike Geary is currently enjoying the idea of selling an international best selling book and the most sold fitness ebook on the Internet. The ebook has reached more than tens of
thousands of customers in over 100 countries. However, what does this popular book entail? Is it the ultimate program to finally get rock-hard six pack abs, or is it just a scammy "lose your size twenty stomach" system many of us have come across before?

So who is Mike Geary?

Mike Geary is a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist. He is a Certified Nutrition
Specialist and a Certified Personal Trainer specializing in body fat reduction strategies and
functional strength and power training. He also holds a Bachelors of Science degree from Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, PA. He published his own newsletter titled: "Lean Body Fitness Secrets", that is enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of subscribers in over 150 countries. Mike has also had his writing published in many fitness websites around the world. So you can tell this guy knows his field when it comes to health and fitness.

Why is the truth about abs program so much different then other fat loss or abdominal workout

A lot of products out in the market teach you about burning fat around the stomach area via exercises like crunches and sit ups. Mike's program is different because it combines diet and meal suggestions with highly effective workouts and we are not talking about crunches and sit ups. Its more got to do with the right doses of cardio training. The truth about abs does not require you to spend an hour a day doing sit ups! The program teaches you that 30-45 minutes workout 2-3 times a week should do the trick along with the right workout program!

Click here to order the The Truth About Six Pack Abs

What is the truth about Six abs?

Ok... well, the truth about six pack abs program starts with an introduction to various sections of the abdominal area. You'll be surprised that this is actually interesting and informative and will
not but you to sleep! You will in fact come across how important it is to understand the various
sections of the introduction and that this will help reducing the risk of training the wrong muscles.

The main body of the ebook covers 20 highly effective ab exercises. Each exercise is illustrated
with easy to follow picture image instructions. We found whilst reading through the book that there are some ab workouts that we never came across before in any other fitness ebook. What we found is that these and many other workouts are designed to be performed at home. So the benefit of the exercises is that you don't need to attend a Gym in order to achieve losing body fat. You can easily perform these workouts at home. So it saves you money on the cost of a Gym membership and its made convenient because you can workout at home.

The ebook also includes a nutrition section. It's not the same old information about low carbs diets as you can read in most ebooks. In fact more got to do with eating and maintaining a very balanced food plan. Its good because you don't have to completely exclude yourself from the little luxuries you like, with this system you can eat a little luxury without having to feel bad!
Then there is the cardio training Mike includes in his ebook. This is another important section in
the ebook. Mike illustrates what cardio training you need to do and the most importand part is when you actually perform the exercise!

Who is the ebook aimed at, and who will benefit most from it?

To be honest and after going through the materials in this ebook, we found that the ebook is pretty much aimed at anyone who needed to lose weight and tighten up their stomach! Its probably suited more for men who want a well toned and structured six pack stomach. However, ladies will benefit from the training program too. It will help them to lose any sort of excess stomach fat. Particularly after pregnancy from birth.

Click here to order the The Truth About Six Pack Abs

Was there anything we didn't like about the ebook? Perhaps the only real sort of draw back we thought of really was the overload of information that this product delivers. Not only do you get the "truth about six pack abs" ebook, there is also a wealth of information that you receive from the seven bonus ebooks. So it takes quite a bit of time to read through all of them and its definitely an overload of information. We feel its best that you treat this package with your full attention. Read through the "Truth about abs program" first and
then cover the bonuses after. Its easy to get caught up with all this information, so its best to
break it down into small manageable pieces!

Our Verdict?

For $39.95, you receive a wealth of information. From the Truth about 6 pack abs to the bonus
materials you are certainly getting value for your cash. You can even upgrade to the deluxe version where you get the popular eating right made simple ebook for half price. We didnt upgrade, so we cant exactly comment on this.

This is not a quick results scheme, you won't lose weight over night! Its not a miracle provider.
What it is, is a realistic program that will enable you to achieve losing weight effectively around
the abdominal area. You need to make the right commitment to read the ebook and then take action. If you follow what is being thought within the program and you take action 2-3 times a week for 30-45 minutes you will see very good results. However, it does require discipline to do the abs exercises, cardio and apply the nutrition program regularly over a few weeks and months.

If you are not satisfied after eight weeks, you can retrieve a refund without any questions asked. So its really risk-free to give the program a try. So to conclude our overview of the true about abs program. We feel that this ebook delivers with the excellent and reputable content it offers. If you are serious about getting a flat stomach or even rock-hard sic pack abs, I would recommend this program!

Click here to order the The Truth About Six Pack Abs